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5 Tips for Treating Sciatic Nerve Pain

What is Sciatic Nerve Pain?

Sciatica pain is an exhausting and aggravating kind of pain that can completely immobilize you. Sciatica pain is caused due to a condition called sciatica which is basically an inflammation or irritation of the sciatic nerve extended to spinal  nerve roots connecting to it. If you ask any Los Angeles spine surgeon, he/she would tell you that sciatic nerve pain can be caused due to various different reasons including bulging discs and osteoarthritis.
Apart from seeking medical help, here are 5 tips for relieving the sciatic pain.

Tip No. 1: Alternating Heat and Cold Therapy

When suffering from sciatic pain, it has been noticed that treating the patient with hot and cold alternating therapy seems to help them. Although it does not treat the sciatic nerve but it is helpful in providing relief from the pain. Secondly, the cold reduces the inflammation to that particular area. The hot with a moist heat pad actually soothes the muscles and improves the blood flow as well.

Tip No 2: Physical Activity and Exercise

Sciatic pain is so aggravating that people tend to believe that it is better to take rest, especially bed-rest. But , in fact, this notion is completely wrong. It is important to have some kind of physical activity and with the guidance of your doctor, you can even do some exercises. Too much rest can put a strain on the muscles which is not a very good thing for sciatica. The blood flow is also increased which is good for discs and nerves as it reduces inflammation. Mostly every spine surgeon in Los Angeles would recommend Yoga as the best form of exercise.  

Tip No 3: Stretching

People suffering from sciatic pain should definitely make stretching a part of their daily routine. They can get some relief from stretching as it helps loosen up the muscles and relax them. The tightness in the muscles due sciatica is also released through stretching.

Stretching is useful in relieving the pain and prevents it from recurring. It also strengthens and supports the lower back. You can find out from medically trained personnel about the type of stretching you should do according to your sciatic pain.

Tip No 4: Improved Posture

Incorrect posture is the main culprit which maligns the muscles, be it walking or sitting posture. Keeping your body in a wrong position for extended period tends to throw off its natural alignment. In such a case, any action can pressurize the muscles and make them suffer spasms which aggravate the whole problem. Wearing the right shoes, improving your sitting and sleeping posture can be really helpful for you in obtaining relief from the severe sciatic pain.

Tip No 5: Chiropractor Guidance

Once sciatica has been diagnosed by a reliable and well-known spine surgeon in Los Angeles, you can also get in touch with an eminent chiropractor, who can provide guidance for you. You can achieve complete spinal alignment under the chiropractic care which is helpful in taking the pressure off the nerve roots. The reduced pressure on the nerves is also helpful in reductions and prevention of nerve inflammation and irritation. A chiropractor can also help you in the restoration of blood flow so that the body can heal itself. It is also essential as it treats other issues that may be leading to sciatic pain.